Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Nordea bank account. Houston we have a problem!!

So I got set up with a bank account (Nordea) about 2 weeks ago and knew from the start, talking to the lady helping me that something was going to go wrong. First question I asked was, Is your website in English? She says, I think so. Hmmm I think so, well can you find out for me. Another lady comes over and uses the words, I believe so. I think so and I believe so, are the same ladies, as I think to myself. I just want to hear her say, Yes it is!!  So I decided to go with the second lady and her, I believe so.  My other question was, is this card going to work in Germany and other countries. I got a sold Yes!!! Still I was a bit skeptical and felt that her Yes was still, I think so!!
Off to Germany I go to get some groceries where its much cheaper and the entire 30 min drive I'm thinking that my Nordea Visa card isn't going to work. As I pile groceries into my cart and pull up to the check out, the cashiers says in German, 104 Euros Bitte (please).  I say, I will use my Visa Nordea card, while thinking to myself that its not going to work. Drum roll....... Yeap it didn't work. So I start to panic as Germans behind me in line are grilling me for holding up the line. I told the cashier that I will leave my stuff and be right back, I'm going to the ATM. I hurry back to the line, but still I'm Euroless. I got nothing I tell her. Luckily my buddy was shopping there too, so I grabbed him quickly while leaving my stuff with the cashier. At this point everyone in the line is taking there stuff off the belt and moving to another cashier. I get my buddy Matt and rushed back to the line where I see the cashier taking my stuff and putting it back on the shelves. Hey Hey Hey ..... She looks at me, like damn he caught me. I grab my stuff back and go through the process of re-checking all my stuff. Matt swipes his card. NOPE!!!! Now I'm sweating pretty hard.  Now I think of my wife, which is back in NY and what she would be saying to me. She would say take a deep breath and stop being such a stress case. The Cashier is NOT impressed by us foreigner's one bit. Luckily Matt had cash on him and he paid for me. 
So today I go back and tell the lady at my bank that my card didn't work. She says, ohh did you activate it. Ummm no, (although I should of realized all cards need to be activated before using. Partly my fault.)  she smiles and says yes we sent you information to activate your card. She says it was the yellow paper that was in Danish. I asked her if she thought I could speak Danish, she said no of course. So than I asked her if She thought I could read Danish, she said no.  I said do see why I have a problem here. She said her famous 3 words to me.... "I think so".  I'm not the smartest guy by any means, but throw me a bone here lady and help me out. Maybe I'm being a typical stubborn American, but isn't the customer always right hahahhaha ( I don't agree with that actually).

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